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As he lies in his cell, he thinks about an episode that involved taking notes on four soldiers. Then Slava is taken and thrown into a jail cell. He is then turned around so the gloved intruder can use the probe and a finger on his muscular ass. They take him to a dark room in KGB Headquarters where Slava is stripped and questioned and photographed. The first image, after snow capping the familiar sights of the city, is Corporal Slava Petrovich being accompanied by two men in black. The story takes place in the Communism of 1986 Moscow. A jogging preppie a new gardener a jogger's dare a gardener's response wet and wild relentless energy.Ĭast: Slava Petrovich ,Alexander (Sasha) Byazrov ,Yegor Seleznyov ,Vanya Viktorovich ,Nestor Firsov Stars Bill Hen and Aaron Gage, sunbathing superstuds a pool side challenge a hard-fought race the prize anything you want! A desert race a secluded power transformer.

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Starring Lee 'Huge' Ryder, Rod Phillips, and Mark Hunter. Genres: Shot on film, Collection, Anal, Oral, Thresomes, Muscle Men, VintageĪ nice overview of some of Falcon Studio's hotter pre condom fuck film loops that includes the startling reveal of Scott O'Hara known at the time as the man with the biggest dick in all of San Francisco. Cast: Bill Henson, Lee Ryder, Rod Phillips, Mark Hunter, Aaron Gage, Randy Page, Scott O'Hara

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